Biodegradable & Compostable Packaging

Our bio-bags comply to various strict international standards of biodegradability such as:

  • Australian standard AS 4736 & AS5810
  • American standard ASTM D6400
  • Japanese standard GreenPla JIS 6953
  • Chinese standard GB/T
  • European standard EN 13432

Most of Respack’s compostable products are also certified by TUV – Vincotte “OK Compost Home”, to meet the requirements of stringent standard NF T51-800 from France.


Biodegradable refers to the ability of materials, including some bioplastics (or bio-based polymers) to break down by the metabolism of micro-organisms and return to nature. In order for packaging products to qualify as biodegradable, they must completely break down and decompose into natural elements (CO2, H2O, methane, biomass, and mineral salts) within a short time after disposal - typically a year or less. The ability to biodegrade within landfills helps to reduce the buildup of waste, and contributes to a safer, cleaner and healthier environment.


If a biodegradable plastic will completely biodegrade fast enough in a certain type of environment (anaerobic or anaerobic compost), then it can be labelled “compostable’. Composting is the process of breaking down organic waste by microbial digestion to create biomass, therefore improving and fertilizing soil.

Our range of 100% compostable bags are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional plastic bags. They offer a more sustainable packaging choice, and are specifically designed to be sustainable from start to finish.

Our compostable bags are made from a natural polymer with bio-based content, a high-quality and versatile bioplastic of German company BASF, and printing is made with soy water-based inks. To make bags from corn instead of petroleum by-products is a major advance in environmental technology... corn is an annually renewable resource, which unlike trees, are grown and harvested in a single season.

Because the bioplastics are made with organic plant materials, they break down swiftly in a compost environment – about the same time as a dry leaf – and offer the most practical and eco-friendly solution as of today.

Our bio-sourced bags can take the same load as their polyethylene counterparts. The product properties were designed such that the products only fully biodegrade under composting conditions.

Features & benefits:

  • Impact tough and leak-proof
  • Superior puncture, high resistance to tear
  • Printable (soy water-based inks) and weldable
  • Long shelf life
  • Unique soft touch
  • Reduce landfill waste and carbon emissions
  • Can be composted at home or in industrial facilities
  • Independently verified, certified Biodegradable worldwide (coming soon)

Main applications:

Waste bags: Bin bag, green waste, compost, organic waste, compostable liners, sacks and bags for collection of food waste and dog faeces.

Bags suitable for food contact: Checkout and shopping bags, produce, fruit and vegetable bags, freezer bags, etc.

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