nPower™ - Desiccant Masterbatch

Our desiccant masterbatch are aimed to use with materials which have absorbed humidity before processing, like unpacked raw materials, or recycled materials that absorb moisture during outside usage. As a result, nPower™ desiccant will reduce the need for pre-drying of materials, saves energy costs, and allows the use of a high percentage of recycled materials in price sensitive applications.

Ensuring an extended control when processing moisture sensitive polymers without impact on polymer strength or appearance, it can additionally help processors to increase their output since any moisture released because of the increased melt pressure is immediately absorbed by the desiccant.

  • Reduces the need for pre-drying.
  • Allows the use of a high percentage of recycled materials.
  • No impact on polymer strength or appearance.
  • Increased output.

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