Respack Establishes Its Own Emergency Response Team

A group of Respack employees, consisting of members from various departments, went through 3 sessions of Emergency Response Team (E.R.T.) training with the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department, also known as BOMBA.

The ERT training course which was conducted throughout 3 weeks, puts our employees through theoretical and practical training sessions on how to deal with emergency situations which may arise at the workplace.

This training was organized by Respack in testament to our importance in providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees of Respack. Part of the training includes information on how to remove and prevent any workplace hazard.

It was an educational yet fun training as our employees had the chance to extinguish fire using not only the fire extinguishers but the complete fire hydrant and hose system. Besides that, they also learned how to treat wounded patients, which is an important skill as a first responder to any emergency situations.

At the end of the training course, all participants had to go through a test in order to be certified as an official ERT member of the company. All participants of the course from Respack passed with flying colours and are officially certified as ERT and first responders from Respack.

We want to express our gratitude to the Malaysian Fire and Rescue Department for taking time off to train our employees and preparing our employees to be official ERT members.

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