When you give something and you get back something in return, that is TRANSACTION
When you give something more than expected for work done, that is BONUS
When you give something what the person deserve to get, that is RIGHTS
When you give something to a person when in need, that is CHARITY
When you give something to a person who don't deserve or don't expect to get, that is GRACE
When you begin to live a life of GENEROSITY, you display grace, the very nature of God
(credit to the writer Lim Heok Hooi).
Naked we come, naked we go. Nothing in this world belong to us. We cant carry ourselves to our death bed, furthermore our wealth. If we possess the right attitude of grace and giving, we shall be given more. Favour received is favour given. Our world has given us so much, rightfully giving back is our duty of faithfulness.
#welovewecare #respack #respackgroupofcompanies